Lime mortar Built Garden Walls, Roupell Street, Waterloo, London

Lime mortar built brick wall

This is the wall that runs behind the houses in Roupell Street. The original lime mortar brickwork had been demolished and large gates fitted to allow parking in the yard. Similar to the neighbours to the right.

Lime mortar built wall with gate.

The new wall was built using second hand yellow stocks and lime mortar, brick bonding it into existing original brickwork each side and following the contours of existing brickwork.

Yellow stocks wall built with lime mortar.

Dwarf wall and fencing was removed and new wall of yellow stocks and lime mortar built.

 Yellow stock garden wall with gate.

Brickwork complete and new gate and frame fitted.

Lime mortar red brick wall with gate.

This is another wall built in much the same way but at the other end of the street. Second hand red bricks and lime mortar used.

Gate and lime mortar red brick wall

Showing inside of wall with step added.